Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Thanking God for the little things

This last weekend was one of reflection and of gaining courage and strength from God and those who have been nothing but encouraging for me to go in to the world!

I spoke with my friend Pat who is going to Spain as soon as the Spanish government will give her a visa to get in. She has been working on this for months and it seems that the evil one is trying to keep her out by making a little piece of paper so powerful. Even through the struggle, Pat has bearded this development with poise and grace. I know she has been discouraged, yet she has never showed it. She was gracious enough to meet with me on Sunday and we sat at Starbucks and as I poured my heart out to her, she smiled and listened and then in her unique, quiet way, she encouraged me that not only was I doing the right thing, but I was also following God and that when we follow, He does not lead us on wile goose chases. She would have every right to question her decision of following God, and yet she walked forward knowing that God will get her to Spain in His timing. It is His story and He writes us in where He sees fit. That was very encouraging to me.

When I got home, I saw that there was a Christmas card on the table for me and it was from a retired missionary whom I have always admired and loved. She wrote this " You Go Girl in to the World!” I sat and as tears fell down my face, I smiled and thanked God that even through my struggle, He was there to give me the encouragement and the grace that I do not deserve and yet receive it at the same time. God is so Good!

This morning I had a "conference call" with my teammates who are in Poland. We connect via SKYPE, it was encouraging, and my spirits are so up now. This was a great, unexpected Christmas present. I can't wait to get there!

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