Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry Christmas!

As I look at this season and wonder what we would be doing of Christ did not come to be born in order to die thirty something years later. I am awed by the way that God loves us unconditionally, even as we commercialize Christmas time in saying "Happy Holidays" due to the "fear" of religion. He looks lovingly down to earth and extends his arms to each of His creation. Even to those who turn and walk away, rejecting the love and gift that God so freely gives.

This is an interesting Christmas for me. It could be my last here in Denver for a while. Poland may be my Christmas location next year. That is not daunting on me, but this year, some of my closest friends are not here this year and I am saddened by the fact that this blessed season is a bit emptier. Of course this is a very selfish feeling, but it is real nonetheless.

Even as I sit here blogging on Christmas Eve, I look to the heavens and realize that my emptiness is my own doing. I am not alone. I will be spending this time with my parents and grandmother. Our family is shrinking and I am already feeling for the emptiness that my parents will feel next year as my brother and myself will be in other parts of the world and county. The bigger fact that I am not alone is the whole reason for this season for family and frinds, Jesus' birth.

Today, I take time to remember what God did for mankind. Jesus' birth is the object and source of our HOPE. Hope being our confidence in Jesus and His sacrifice to bring us reunion and peace with God. This season is not only about Christ's birth but also His death. The first letter of Peter says in chapter one states, "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living Hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. . .” Jesus was born in order that he could live a blameless life and in His purity give his life as a sacrifice in order to satisfy the holiness that God requires of all of us. Praise His name forever and ever, Amen

Have a very blessed and Merry Christmas!

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