Thursday, April 01, 2010

Back From England

England was wonderful, wet, but wonderful! We were in a huge house with 7 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms! I have never felt more pampered and loved in a very long time (outside of my family, of course!) It was amazing!! Not only did we have a great time together as young up and coming women, we also had a great time in learning how to help others make decisions for themselves and how to move forward from where they are through "coaching". We took the first day and learned about how to do it and then we were coached part of the next two days. When we were not coached, we were walking in the little town of Alferton and checking out the local Tesco. I even found an Apple store and got a drawing pad on sale! I use my old one a lot and have needed to upgrade for a while now.

Through my coaching sessions, God really spoke to me about "self-care". I am now trying to implement the steps that I came up with to take better care of myself so that I can care for others better. I also was able to talk through the process of inviting a young to become my roommate. It was good to bounce things off of my coach and develop a plan. So what to do now? My problem now is that I often draw up grand plans that are overwhelming and then I give up. My plan this time. . . baby steps and to not be so serious about it all.

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