Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Beautiful Women of Josiah Venture

These are the beautiful women of Josiah Venture.  They are women, daughters, sisters, mothers, grandmothers,wives, friends and teammates!
Normally, we have "outsiders" come and teach, but this year we had three of our own and I think it was timely and needed! This year just had the feel of "together" and "intimacy" for the whole group.  Thank you Connie, Amy and Laura! It was a blessed time! God is still showing me things in my life that I need to work on and dig deeper! It was a great time for me.  We also had a great time together shopping for Polish Pottery this year.  That was so much fun, helping the ladies pick out the perfect piece!

This is a typical picture of my Poland team.  We LOVE being together!  We love to laugh.  Too many times we are not together and I miss it when we are all in the same room, talking, praying, crying and laughing together. I am so privileged to work and live along side these incredible women!

Top Right: Iwona Eifling - Iwona is Polish married to Daniel Eifling.  She is a wife, mom of two and mentor to many young women.  She also leads our divorce recovery weekends for teenage girls.
Bottom Left: Heidi Carlson - Heidi is married to Greg, our country leader.  Heidi is a mom of two, friend to several Polish moms and women in the church and our HR person.  We have needed this so much for so long and Heidi is GREAT at it!

Center: Laura Hash - Laura is married to Dan.  Laura is a mother of one, gifted speaker, mentor of women, pastor's wife, English camp director and many more things to would take too long to write.
Bottom Right: Susan Ellis - Susan is a master all trades and master at MOST!  Susan sees what needs to be done for JVPoland and how to do it and then gets all the pieces in place to get it done!  She mentors young women, trains young leaders countrywide, works in her youth group, markets for our camp H2O and is normally at the front end of any new project that we may have going!
I know I have not listed everything that these women do.  They love Poland and each other well!  I love my team and I thank God for each one of them!


Unknown said...

Aww, that was such a sweet blog post! What a good time we had!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE these pictures - they just make me happy. I'm so glad you have the support system you do, friendo!