Friday, July 08, 2011

2x3 Today

Almost 3 years ago, we started a campaign called the 2x3 campaign.  We wanted to double our "fruit" in three years.  In Poland, it is happening. God has heard our cries for the youth of Poland!  Just this last week in our first two camps we had over 20 youth make first time decisions to follow Jesus! This is the MOST that we have EVER had here in Poland during a "camp term"
Today I had my first meeting with one of them and it was a sweet time!  I want to remind you of what we are about.  Please take a few moments and watch this video.

2x3 Campaign - Short from The Reluctant Missionary on Vimeo.

What is striking about this video to me is that 3 years ago, I would not say that the Polish youth was atheistic or agnostic in any sense, but this year, there has been a switch in the generation and I have spoken to more students who do not believe in God or who feel that God has no influence on life.  Please be praying for our other 7 camps!  I will be leaving for my second on Sunday.

This is why I am here in Poland!  To share the love of Jesus with Polish youth who want Truth, yet fill their lives with the lies of this world.  Please pray for me that I will boldly proclaim the mystery of the Gospel to the youth of Poland this summer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it. Praise God for all of those lives that will now be changed! :)