Wednesday, February 02, 2011

MSP: Snow Camp 2011

This year the snow was great!  The temperature was COLD and God was heard in whispers rather than shouts.  It was a different year.  The leadership group decided to have "Jesus talks" happen through conversations rather than up front during our meetings.  There is good and bad to that strategy, and I felt the tension.  For me it was, "Do I trust God to work in a way that is not as comfortable (having the Polish believers speak Truth rather than "teacher" up front) to reach those whom His Spirit is and will stir, or do I try to force it with my own strength and 'plan'?"  It was a stretch for me.  Even as I struggled with that tension, I had some great conversations!  There were three young men who had many questions that their priest at school either could not, or would not answer and they were frustrated!  During our conversation, they started to get frustrated too because my answers were, "What/Where does the Bible say about that?"  or,  "What did Jesus say about that?".  They could not answer my questions, because even though they said they read the Bible, it was obvious that did not know how to find the answers they were seeking.  We struggled and discussed various themes and I hope they left inspired and challenged to get their Bible out and seek God adn answers instead of just having someone give them the answers.  Another few conversations I had was with a young woman whom I have been chatting with off and on for the past two years.   She wants Jesus, but, He is one of many options in her life. Camp week made her come face to face with the lies that she is believing about herself, others and life.  (THANK YOU, Dan Hash for your evening group talks!!)  She still is looking at all of her options, but I think/hope she saw that all the other options she is following now besides Jesus brings her to deception and emptiness.

Please pray for our JV team who went (Dan and Laura Hash, Susan Ellis and myself) as we have contact with some of these youth throughout the year!  Please pray that God will continue to open the eyes of this group of young people to HIS Truth!

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