Monday, August 09, 2010

Discipleship on Facebook

If you would have told me that I would be using Facebook for more than social networking, I would have laughed.  "Facebook is great for me to keep in touch with my American family and friends, and keeping track of some Polish students, but that is all"   Well, I was wrong.

Today I got a FB chat from a young lady whom I prayed with a few weeks ago.  "I am done with the book of Mark!  Now what? It has given me so much peace!"  I asked her to start reading it again but just one chapter at a time.  I gave her a series of questions for Mark one,  and she is excited to work through them!  As soon as she does, we will go on to Chapter two.  This young woman lives over an hour from me, so meeting face to face is not very possible.  Facebook is though!  So, I am fully jumping into social network technology to help a young woman grown in her faith!   FB is no longer just a "catch up" site!  It is now a discipleship tool here in Poland!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

That's interesting to me because I thought that being a "social networking" location, it just opens up a new avenue for discipleship.

One of the girls that I'm discipling is currently running around the globe on an 11 month missions trip and it affords us the ability to both semi-keep up and to have some mentoring and growth-focused interactions.

I'm glad you get to use it as another tool in your box!