Friday, November 20, 2009

Where is Winter?

Up until about a week ago, I was complaining about our cold rainy days. If it is going to be cold, let it SNOW! This week has shown some of the most BEAUTIFUL "Coloradoish" fall days here in Poland. Not normal for November! I have seen blue skies for days now! Last night as I was driving from the office, I snapped this photo. I almost felt like I was in Colorado without the mountains! I was sad that I had to include the traffic lights, but the colors were wonderful!
It is amazing how God gives me small gifts like this each day that I live in Poland. I was listening to Francis Chan (Crazy Love and Forgotten God) yesterday talk about how much the Father loves His children and that just as our earthly fathers, God wants the best for us (even when the best is painful sometimes) and he loves to see his children enjoy him. Yesterday, I was enjoying him as I kept looking in my rear view mirror until the sun fully went down. By the way, this was at around 4 p. m. The darkness is settling earlier each day, yet , my heart is full of joy! Keep it coming Lord! Show your handiwork in your sunsets!

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